Pxil Pro

SEO Action Plan

7 Week Action Plan

What is SEO?

90.63% of all pages in our index get zero traffic from Google, and 5.29% of them get ten visits per month or less.

SEO stands for “search engine optimization.” In simple terms, it means the process of improving your site to increase its visibility when people search for products or services related to your business in Google, Bing, and other search engines. The better visibility your pages have in search results, the more likely you are to garner attention and attract prospective and existing customers to your business.

Below is an action plan that goes over some advanced tactics that will help you boost your traffic.

Week 1:

Finding Profitable Keywords

Spend your first week creating a set of keywords to target for SEO. Targeting the right keywords, where there is lots of traffic, where the keywords convert into customers, and where you can beat the competition.

This week you will:

  • Generate a list of keyword ideas that are relevant to your website
  • Evaluate the list to find a set of keywords that have traffic, convert, and that are winnable
  • Setup automated tracking of your keywords, by creating an Ubersuggest project, so you can monitor progress



Introduction to SEO and Why It's Important

Keyword Research Part 1

Keyword Research Part 2

Keyword Planner

Keyword Research Guide

220 Profitable Keywords

Week 2:

SEO Site Audit

Spend your second week fixing all the on-page SEO errors on your website. Fixing these errors will make your site more search engine friendly and make it easier for you to rank for your keywords.

This week you will:

  • Scan your website for SEO errors using the Ubersuggest audit tool
  • Sort your list of SEO errors to find the most important issues and the easiest to fix
  • Fix your onsite SEO errors



On-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO

SEO Audit

SEO Factors Cheat Sheet

SEO Audit Checklist

Top 50 Pages Worksheet

Week 3:

Creating Sharable Content

Take my content marketing masterclass and see how I create content that drives both traffic and conversions.

This week you will:

  • Discover what is already working for competitors in your market
  • Create supercharged content that stands above your competitors
  • Hire a writer to create content for you



Introduction to Content Marketing

Advanced Content Marketing Tactics

Content Data Sources

Title Ideas Worksheet

Supercharged Content

Content Creation Template

The 20/20 Rulebook

Whips Framework

Week 4:

Advanced Tracking

You can’t scale your marketing until you know what’s working and what’s not. By getting your tracking all set up correctly you’ll be able to see the traffic sources, content, and keywords that are driving revenue.

This week you will:

  • Setup Google Analytics advanced tracking and alerts
  • Setup Google Search Console, and check for crawl errors
  • See dark traffic. Discover what types of traffic are working for you.



How to Setup Google Analytics

How to Setup Google Search Console

Advanced Features in Google Analytics

SEO Taskmaster Worksheet

Week 5:

Link Building

Links show Google that your site is an authoritative and trusted source of information. Building high-quality links will supercharge your SEO results, plus it will also increase your referral traffic.

This week you will:

  • Identify quality backlinks that are available in your niche
  • Create a target list of sites and find their email address
  • Create outreach strategy and begin outreach



Introduction to Link Building

How to Build Links

Link Building Templates

Link Building Scorecard

Link Building Search Operators

Outreach Templates

Week 6:

Branding & Experience

Use your brand and customer experience as a tool to get you more traffic. This week I will teach you how to tweak your brand and customer experience to create memorable experiences for your customers.

This week you will:

  • Analyze your market and competition
  • Survey your market to better understand their needs
  • Implement brand & customer experience strategies for increasing traffic


How to Build a Powerful Brand

How to Define Your Brand Story

Building an Amazing Customer Experience

SEO Factors Cheat Sheet

SEO Audit Checklist

Top 50 Pages Worksheet

Top 50 Pages Worksheet

Week 7:

Advanced Content Marketing

Take the content you made in week 3 and refine it. Use the link building strategies from week 5 and combine them with the lessons from this week to promote your content.

This week you will:

  • Reverse engineer your most successful competitor’s content marketing strategy
  • Review and refine the content you started in week 3
  • Promoting your content using link building strategies from week 5


10 Commandments of Content Marketing

How to Edit Your Content For SEO

How to Supercharge Your Content

10 Commandments

$100k Challenge

Editorial Calendar

Editing Checklist

Competitor Analysis

Step-by-Step Guide to Editing

Headline Formula

WordPress SEO Worksheet